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Generate SEO Strategy in Minutes with This ChatGPT Prompt

Learn how to boost your visibility, engage your audience, and drive conversions home effortlessly with an SEO strategy generated in minutes by a GPT Prompt!

SEO is extremely important for every single business today. Regardless of the size of a brand or what they are offering (product/service), SEO is what helps them bring in the numbers and gives them leads for conversion.

Considering how important and impactful SEO is, it also takes up a lot of time for SEO experts to create SEO strategies for every new campaign.

If you are an SEO Expert and are looking for a way to save time on SEO strategies, you have come to the right place. This GPT Prompt by Mr. Hasan Aboul Hasan, a digital marketer with 8+ years of experience, will help you generate a full SEO strategy in minutes! This prompt will leave you a lot of time to analyze and customize the strategy to your needs.

Let’s look at the whole prompt and break it down into parts for better understanding.

“As an SEO expert specializing in keyword research, your objective is to create a well-rounded content plan for a specific target keyword. This task involves the creation of a comprehensive and strategic content plan drawn from your expertise in SEO and compliance with recent Google Quality guidelines and Google E-A-T rules. Your content plan should encompass the following components:

“1. Under the header “Meta Title”, you will need to write a 60 to 75-character meta title that involves the main keyword. Be sure to implement attention-grabbing, click-through-rate (CTR) driven titles. Refrain from using quotation marks around the content.”

A meta title is an HTML element in a website's head section that specifies the title of the page, displayed in search results as the clickable headline. This title will help the search engine understand the context and relevance of the webpage and affect the click-through rate.

“2. Under “Meta Description”, write a 175 to 200-character CTR-driven meta description for this page based on the provided data. Create a description that draws attention and encourages a click. Remember to not add quotation marks around the content.”

A meta description is another HTML code component that describes the content on a webpage. It appears as a snippet in search engine result pages. It's important for optimizing search engine visibility and encouraging users to click on links through search results.

”3. Create a list of FAQs associated with the primary keyword, display them as an unordered list, and label them under the header “FAQs”.”

FAQs are a great way to include other most-asked questions regarding the same keyword in a blog. It helps you increase the clickthrough rate of a blog piece.

“4. Prepare an unordered list of related search queries connected to the primary keyword, and title this section “Related Queries”.” Just like FAQs, related queries are great add-ons to your blog to increase the clickthrough rate. ”5. List prime long-tail keywords that are plausible to rank due to the lack of quality content in the top positions, according to recent Google Quality Guidelines and on-page SEO efforts. Share this as an unordered list and title it “Long Tail Keywords”.”

Long-tail keywords are highly specific, lengthy search queries that are used to target niche or specific topics. They're usually well-thought-out questions or phrases that are in the form of questions, phrases, or sentences, typically three or more words long. They are included as subheadings in a blog.

”6. Collate the top 15 keywords and incorporate them into a structured markdown table. The first column should contain the keyword, the second the keyword intent and the final column should specify how many times you recommend using the keyword, expressed as an integer. Denote this section with “Keywords”.”

Markdown tables are a great way to organize and present data, making them effective in creating a better user experience. They also provide structured content which can improve search engine visibility and click-through rates.

”7. Lastly, create an unordered list of 10 SEO entities applicable to the primary keyword and label them as “Entities”.”

Entitles are very important for an SEO strategy because they provide context and structure to the content on the page, helping search engines understand and rank the page appropriately. Well-structured entitles can also be displayed in search results as formatted snippets, which can encourage users to click on the page.

"Bear in mind, that the end reader will find the content beneficial, instantly valuable, and easy to read. Your plan should lure clicks and promptly answer the searcher’s intent. Retain your creativity and attention to detail while adhering to all specified guidelines and requirements.
Target keyword: [Keyword]”

At the end, enter the keyword you want an SEO strategy for, and voila! Your SEO strategy is ready for use.

How can you use it

At the end, enter the keyword you want an SEO strategy for.

Open Merlin Chrome Extension on your desktop by clicking on ctrl+m or cmd+m to open the Merlin GPT chatbot and past the prompt.

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As soon as you enter it, you will have your SEO strategy right there!

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Happy Writing!


SEO is vital for business success, and Mr. Hasan Aboul Hasan's GPT Prompt provides a time-saving solution for experts. With over 8 years of digital marketing experience, the prompt guides professionals in creating a comprehensive SEO strategy, covering key elements for optimal search engine visibility and audience engagement. Embrace efficiency and creativity with this tool for effective SEO strategies.


1. How often should I update my website's meta titles and descriptions for optimal SEO performance?

Regular updates are recommended, especially when there are changes in content or focus. Aim for at least quarterly reviews to align with evolving search trends.

2. Can I use emojis in my meta titles and descriptions for a more engaging appearance?

While some search engines support emojis, it's advisable to use them sparingly. Ensure they enhance rather than distract from the content, and be aware that not all devices may display them uniformly.

3. Is there an ideal length for long-tail keywords, and how do I ensure they remain relevant over time?

Long-tail keywords are typically three or more words. To maintain relevance, regularly assess industry changes and consumer behavior. Adjust your long-tail keywords accordingly to align with current search trends.

Experience the full potential of ChatGPT with Merlin

Kalpna Thakur

Kalpna Thakur

Our marketing powerhouse, crafts innovative solutions for every growth challenge - all while keeping the fun in our team!

Published on : 23rd November 2023, Thursday

Last Updated : 18th October 2024, Friday

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