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Why is ChatGPT not working? - Try These10 Fixes

Find out the reasons why ChatGPT might not be working for you. Also, know how you should fix it and if there are better alternatives to ChatGPT!

We can all agree that ChatGPT has become an integral part of our lives. From easy to highly sophisticated tasks, GPT is the way to go for us! However, ChatGPT isn't as perfect as we think it to be, it may have some issues.

ChatGPT undergoes some network difficulties just like any other piece of software, and it might be annoying when you're attempting to use the chatbot and it keeps saying "Network Error." Let's first dig into what this new term means exactly.

What is a Network Error?

ChatGPT will display a network error notice if it cannot establish a connection to the server. It can say something like "Network Error," "Cannot connect to the server," or "Connection timed out." This error indicates that the chatbot is unable to retrieve information from the server and cannot respond to your requests.

I'm sure this keeps you wondering why your smooth ChatGPT surfing has been halted. So read till the end as we try to figure out different reasons why GPT might not be working for you!

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1. Too Many Users

A common cause is when several users attempt to use the chatbot at the same time, which frequently results in a server overload issue (ChatGPT is at capacity) when many users are locked out of the website. This can be annoying because there aren't really a lot of things you can do about it.

2. Internet Connectivity

Your poor internet connection might lead to a server meltdown, too! Having a smooth internet connection is necessary.

3. Geographical Location

Believe it or not, your geographical location is one of the factors, too. The majority of developed nations have access to ChatGPT but nations like China, Russia, Egypt, etc. seem to forbid the deployment of AI bots. So, if you're in one of those countries, ChatGPT won't be at your service.

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Mainly, these are the factors responsible for GPT not working for you. But, what do you do if you desperately need to use this AI chatbot? Where do you go?

There must be some solutions or alternatives, right? Well, you're correct! Here are some things that you can do to ensure your productivity isn't compromised due to the listed issues:

Check ChatGPT's server status

This is a great place to start your journey of fixing this problem. If you get to know if OpenAI's server is down to a greater extent and it's just not you facing all the trouble, then we can go around looking for different solutions or alternatives.

Top 10 fixes for when ChatGPT is not working:

1. Clear your browser's cookies and cache

Clear cookies Data

Although unlikely, ChatGPT might not load in your web browser due to a corrupted browser cache. Although switching to a different browser permanently is an option, clearing the cache and other settings only takes a few minutes. To clear your browser's cookies and cache, follow these steps:

  • Open your browser.
  • Click the three dots located in the top right corner of the browser window.
  • Select "Settings."
  • Navigate to "Privacy and Security."
  • Click on "Cookies and other site data."
  • Select "See all cookies and site data."
  • Search for ""
  • Click "Remove all shown."
  • Finally, click "Clear."

Remember that this procedure will erase your browser's cookies and active sessions. So that means, you'll need to log into every account from scratch.

2. Look for an alternative

The best and fastest fix though is an alternative or rather an advanced ChatGPT-based tool that might help you save time from doing the boring things you read above and get you straight to work. Merlin ChatGPT extension is exactly that tool, which is trusted by users across the globe. Just like GPT, it makes your tasks simpler. Take a look at this prompt, Help me say Happy Birthday to my friend in a creative way.


And just like our other messiah, ChatGPT, it's given me the perfect answer. Tools like Merlin are great AI chatbots but more so when we face network errors due to ChatGPT's server overload or our geographical location.

3. Check Internet Connections:

4. Update your browser :

Try GPT on a new browser with the same login

5. Disable browser extensions:

Manage Browser Extensions

Certain browser extensions can interfere with website functionality. Disable your extensions and see if it works.

6. Check for Service Outage:

Sometimes, the problem might be on the server's end. Check OpenAI's status page or social media for any reported outages.

7. Ensure Javascript is enabled:

ChatGPT relies on JavaScript to function. Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser settings.

8. Use Incognito mode:

Open your browser in incognito or private mode to see if the issue persists. This mode can help bypass certain cache or cookie-related problems.

9. Contact Support:

If none of the above steps work, reach out to OpenAI's support team for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance and troubleshooting steps.

10. Use Merlin :

Merlin GPT 4o

If none of the above fixes work, use Merlin. Its chatbot uses Chatgpt, Gemini, and Claude- all in one single platform.


ChatGPT errors are somewhat common, with many users reporting their experience online. But it's important to ensure our productivity doesn't stop due to these errors as we try to fix them or rely on other alternatives to get our job done.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does ChatGPT stop responding?

It could be due to server overload, connection issues, session timeouts, browser problems, or complex queries.

What to use when ChatGPT is down?

Use Merlin's Ask AI. It gives you an option to select from GPT4, 4 Turbo, 4o, Gemini, and Claude.

Is Merlin Free to use?

Yes, Merlin allows 102 free queries per day. With its free account, you get access to over 26 different AI Tools.

Are these the only methods to fix ChatGPT?

No, the listed fixes are relatively easier than the other ones. For instance, checking for a VPN extension could be another fix, or resetting the IP address could be another one.

Why should I use Merlin?

Merlin is a ChatGPT-based tool in itself, so there's not much difference except Merlin can be used with a single click (Ctrl+M) on any website without having to switch tabs. This saves time and finishes tasks efficiently!

Why is ChatGPT not working on my MacBook?

Ensure your internet connection is stable. Clear your browser's cache and cookies, update your browser and macOS, and check for any server outages or account issues. Try using a different browser or incognito mode.

Last Updated : 10-June-2024

Experience the full potential of ChatGPT with Merlin

Kalpna Thakur

Kalpna Thakur

Our marketing powerhouse, crafts innovative solutions for every growth challenge - all while keeping the fun in our team!

Published on : 16th June 2023, Friday

Last Updated : 18th September 2024, Wednesday

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