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Guide to humanize an AI text

Join me as we explore the blend of human creativity and AI in content creation, uncovering how they complement and challenge each other, and redefining our understanding of creativity.

Who wouldn't love the idea of quickly creating whole blogs, academic papers, and lots of LinkedIn posts in just a few seconds? 🤖✍️ It sounds great, especially when you're up against tight deadlines.

However, a major issue is that a lot of writing from AI tends to feel too smooth and flat. It's as if everything is just too perfect, lacking the little quirks and twists that make writing interesting.

Trust me when I, as a writer, say that no AI can write exactly like a human. Text written by humans has emotions, varying tones, and nuances that AI-generated content often lacks. This content can often be detected due to several distinct characteristics and patterns that differ from human-generated content.

What is AI-Generated Content? 🤔

AI-generated content is anything like texts, pictures, videos, or any other media made by AI algorithms.

These algorithms use stuff called Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to whip up new content that sounds and looks pretty human.

These days, loads of businesses use AI for making articles. In fact, about 85.1% of folks using AI are using it to write articles.

So, it’s totally normal now to see AI listed as the author or a contributor on blog posts.

Detectable Features of AI-Generated Text and Why AI Content Can Be Beneficial 📝

The Challenges of Using AI-Generated Content on Websites

While digital marketers and website developers might be tempted by the cost-efficiency of using AI tools like ChatGPT for content creation, it’s not advisable to rely on them completely as a replacement for human writers. The main issue with AI-generated content is its traceability; advanced AI detection tools can easily identify if the content is machine-generated.

AI-Generated vs. Human-Written Text: Non-Technical Differences

  • Emotional and Personal Touch: Human-generated content often includes personal anecdotes, experiences, and opinions, making it more engaging and relatable. This kind of content captures the unique voice of the writer, offering a variety of perspectives and insights.

  • Creativity and Originality: Humans can draw from their personal experiences to offer fresh, innovative ideas and creative insights, something AI struggles to replicate. AI-generated content, while informative, tends to rely on existing data and patterns, often resulting in repetitive and predictable outputs.

Consider this example:

My Writing: " Life can be seen as an unending journey, like the sun that arches daily from dawn to dusk. This constant movement represents lifelong learning, a ceaseless quest for growth and understanding. Think of a tree." ChatGPT's Writing: "In the grand tapestry of human existence, lifelong learning is a pillar of enlightenment and a pathway to a meaningful and good life. Through the pursuit of knowledge, we embark on a transformative journey, expanding our horizons and nourishing our souls."

My use of vivid imagery and metaphors makes the content more captivating and personal, whereas ChatGPT's output, while coherent, lacks the vividness and personal engagement.

Understanding the Differences

  • Accuracy and Consistency: AI excels in maintaining a high degree of accuracy and a consistent style due to its data processing capabilities. However, it is prone to 'hallucinations'—producing content that seems accurate but is factually incorrect. This highlights the need for human oversight to ensure trustworthiness.

  • Creativity and Emotional Appeal: Human-written content is akin to a vibrant painting, filled with emotions, creativity, and personal insights. It engages readers with relatable stories, vivid descriptions, and genuine experiences. Typically, human writing adopts a conversational tone, making it more accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience.

Conversely, AI-generated content is prized for its precision and consistency, suited for audiences that value straightforward, factual information like SEO specialists and content marketers.

Below is the table comparing the features of manually humanizing AI text versus using an online AI humanizer tool, highlighting the features and differences of each approach:

FeatureManual Humanize AI TextOnline AI Humanizer Tool
🤖 Conversion of AI content to human textYesYes
💻 InterfaceNASimple
⚡ SpeedVery SlowVery Fast
🕜 Number of usesUnlimitedLimited
🔄 ConsistencyVariableConsistent
🎯 AccuracySubject to human errorConsistently accurate
📊 ProductivityTime-intensiveEfficient and fast
🗣️ Language supportDepends on individualMultiple languages

Technical Differences and AI Detection Tools

AI Content Detectors use metrics like Perplexity and Burstiness to evaluate text. Comparing these scores between human and AI-written passages can reveal significant differences. While it might be possible to fool some tools into not recognizing AI-generated text, these metrics generally provide a clear distinction.

In summary, while AI-generated content has its place for standardized, factual outputs, the unique qualities of human-generated content—its creativity, emotional depth, and personal touch—remain irreplaceable, especially for engaging and connecting with readers on a deeper level.

There are tons of tools out there that help you make text sound more human—we'll be diving into a few of them below, and I'll share the best ways to humanize your text to stay ahead of the game. However, not all AI humanizers are created equal. They vary in terms of quality, features, reliability, and pricing. In this guide, we'll cover 5 of the best AI humanizers you can use. Each one also comes with some sort of free mode or trial, so you can try them out without any financial commitment.

Best Tools for Humanizing AI Generated Text

1. Merlin AI

Although there are multiple tools on the market, I would still recommend Merlin AI as the best option for humanizing text. I say this confidently because I use this tool nearly 100 times a day and it has never disappointed me. Trust me when I say it will complete about 90% of your work with just one click. How?

By simply providing the right prompt, and then you can iterate on the output as needed. It won’t just make unnecessary grammar errors or produce errors under the guise of humanizing text; it actually makes your text sound exactly as you want, all with the correct prompt. Trust me, Merlin also includes an AI detection tool, which allows you to check the level of AI detection to make it easier for you to make adjustments.

Now, to highlight what a prompt is: essentially, it's "Can you rewrite this text to make it sound more casual and human-like? Here's the text: [insert your text here]. I want it to feel like a friendly conversation, not too formal.”

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2. SemiHuman AI

SemiHuman AI earns its spot as the second-best AI humanizer with its advanced technology capable of delivering a perfect 100% human score on detectors like Originality.AI and GPTZero.

This tool offers multiple humanization modes, fast processing, and supports multiple languages, making it ideal for anyone from students to business professionals. It's also equipped with built-in AI detection, saving time and ensuring plagiarism-free content. While it offers great value and maintains the original text’s integrity, the free version’s limited features might be restrictive for some users.

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3. Humbot

Humbot excels in defeating every major AI detection platform like Originality.AI, GPTZero, and Turnitin, consistently achieving a 100% human score. It provides high-quality text with minimal need for editing and includes a built-in AI scanning feature for added convenience. The main downside is its limited free plan.

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4. AIHumanizer

AIHumanizer offers fast, reliable, and flexible solutions for converting AI text to human-like text. With three different bypass modes—Fast, Creative, and Enhanced—it caters to various needs and delivers high-quality content. It's great for students, bloggers, and marketers, although large text humanization requires a paid plan.

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5. HIX Bypass

HIX Bypass focuses on readability, using sophisticated natural language techniques to produce engaging and professional-quality content. It offers multiple bypass modes and various pricing plans to accommodate different budgets. However, it is not at all the most affordable option among AI humanizers.

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6. Bypass AI

Bypass AI stands out with its sleek design and comprehensive functionality. This AI humanizer converts AI-generated text into human-like text effortlessly and offers three bypass modes, including a Simple mode for quick tasks and an Enhanced mode for handling longer and more complex text. It is recognized for its wealth of features and functions, compatibility with all major AI detection platforms, and quick processing times that deliver rapid results.

However, it's worth noting that Bypass AI tends to be more costly when opting for annual payments compared to monthly subscriptions.

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Above we've discussed six tools for humanizing content, and you might have tried most of them before landing on my blog. Ever wondered why you didn't like those tools? The reason isn't that AI-generated content is inherently bad. The true reason lies in how it's executed.

Tips to Write Like a Human and Avoid AI Detection

Here are 12 practical tips to make AI-generated content sound more human and avoid AI detection:

  1. Refine Your Prompts: Think of AI like a sous-chef in your kitchen. The dishes (or content) it helps you prepare will only be as good as the recipes (prompts) you provide. To get the most flavorful results, be specific—ask your AI to adopt a certain persona, maintain a specific tone, include concrete examples, and avoid certain clichés. A small tweak in your instructions can dramatically improve the outcome.

  2. Inject Personal Stories: Just like a good dinner party story, personal anecdotes make any content more engaging. Share your triumphs, your blunders, and the lessons you've learned. This not only

makes your writing more relatable but also boosts its credibility—Google loves this kind of content too!

  1. Utilize an AI Humanizer: Ever noticed how some AI texts feel a bit robotic? AI humanizers are here to help. They tweak your AI's output to avoid common pitfalls like repetitive phrases and stilted language, making it sound like it came straight from a human brain.

  2. Establish Authority: Strengthen your statements with relevant data and case studies. For instance, don’t just say "Guest posting works"; show that "Buffer gained 100,000 customers through guest posting," and link to the case study. This approach adds a layer of trust and expertise to your content.

  3. Enrich with Real Examples: Visual aids like photos, charts, and videos do more than just beautify your content—they make complex information easier to grasp and more memorable. Real-life examples also prove that you’re not just theorizing—you know what you’re talking about.

  4. Personal Pronouns Are Your Friends: Google’s recent guidelines underline the importance of experience. Using first-person pronouns like 'I', 'we', and 'our' can help convey a sense of personal involvement and authenticity, making your content more relatable.

  5. Refresh Overused Terms: AI loves certain phrases a bit too much. Keep an eye out for these and replace them with fresher, more original expressions. This helps keep your content sounding genuine and engaging.

  6. Active Voice for the Win: Passive voice can make content sound dull and impersonal. Switch it up with active voice to give your writing a clearer, more direct tone. "He wrote the content" always beats "The content was written by him."

  7. Fact-Check Everything: Misinformation is the Achilles' heel of AI content. Always cross-verify facts and sprinkle in citations to enhance credibility and depth.

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  1. Edit Thoughtfully: Treat AI drafts as starting points. Infuse your unique voice, tailor content to your audience, and refine the output to ensure it not only informs but also connects and entertains.

  2. Mix Up Your Sentence Lengths: A rhythmic variation in sentence and paragraph lengths mimics natural speech patterns, making your content more lively and easier to read.

  3. Pick the Right Tool for the Job: Not all AI tools are created equal. Choose one that aligns with your specific needs—whether that’s SEO optimization, multilingual capabilities, or customization. For example, Merlin AI excels at marketing and educational content with which you can tweak voice, tone, and even base your content on competitive analysis by giving the commands of your choice.

Remember, the secret to standout AI-generated content lies in making it indistinguishably human. These tips aren't just guidelines—they're crucial steps to ensure your content engages real people and satisfies the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines. Happy writing!


AI writing tools are incredibly handy, speeding up how we create content, but the real magic happens when we infuse our own human touch into what we produce. Think of AI as your helpful assistant; it sets the stage, but you bring the performance to life. Never be scared to use AI to write a text. Learn to master AI writing instead, to save time and money and improve your writing.

Take advantage of the strategies we've covered—like tailoring your AI prompts, weaving in personal stories, and refining your edits with a human flair. While these tools are great for sparking ideas and crafting initial drafts, relying solely on AI means missing out on that personal edge. Remember, AI isn’t going to replace you, but someone who knows how to skillfully blend AI with human creativity will definitely stand out. So, don’t just go through the motions; engage deeply with your content creation. Click here to try merlin to help you humanize an AI text.

By doing this, your AI-enhanced content will rise to meet Google's E-E-A-T standards. Always strive to publish content that resonates with your audience on a personal level, providing them with value, authenticity, and a genuine sense of connection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is ChatGPT, and why is it causing concern in specific industries?

A. ChatGPT is a software that uses AI technology to generate content. It has become popular among content creators and programmers but is causing concern in those industries, as it has the potential to replace human writers.

Q. Why is using AI-generated content with ChatGPT a problem?

A. Using AI-generated content with ChatGPT can be a problem because Google can easily trace the content generated from AI. Google does not rank AI-written content and may even stop considering a website for future posts if they consistently use AI.

Q. How can I convert AI-generated content into human-written content?

A. You can manually convert AI-generated content into human form by spending a lot of time re-writing it to ‘humanize’ the voice, or you can convert that AI content into human form in a few seconds using the Online AI To Human Text Converter Tool.

Q. What is Humanize AI Text? A. Humanize AI Text is about making AI-written text sound more like it was written by a person, making it warmer and more engaging.

Q. How to Humanize AI Text for Free?

A. Go to the website, use the prompt given above and our website will quickly humanize your AI-written content with just one click.

Q. Can this AI To Human Text Produce Fully Human Text?

A. Our AI To Human Text could be better. We improve AI text and try to mimic the unique style of a human writer. We are best used with human editing.

Q. Is sign up required to use the Humanize AI text tool?

A. Our AI To Human Text Converter do require athe sign up to use it, for safety concerns.

Q. What are the benefits of using Our AI Text Converter Tool?

A. Our tool is a free service that converts AI-generated content into human-written content. It is simple and easy to use, fast, reliable, and safe to browse. It is also available for unlimited uses and in multiple languages.

Q. How do I use the text humanizer Tool?

A. To use Our Text Humanizer Tool, copy and paste any AI-generated content into the box on the website , do the sign up, click the convert button, and wait for a few seconds. You can convert your AI content into 100% human content using the website as often as needed or just give the above mentioned prompt in our chat page and use the prompt to generate the text like a human.

Experience the full potential of ChatGPT with Merlin

Hanika Saluja

Hanika Saluja

Hey Reader, Have you met Hanika? 😎 She's the new cool kid on the block, making AI fun and easy to understand. Starting with catchy posts on social media, Hanika now also explores deep topics about tech and AI. When she's not busy writing, you can find her enjoying coffee ☕ in cozy cafes or hanging out with playful cats 🐱 in green parks. Want to see her fun take on tech? Follow her on LinkedIn!

Published on : 9th July 2024, Tuesday

Last Updated : 17th October 2024, Thursday