3X better than Chat with PDF

Merlin’s PDF Chat works well for..

Instantly understanding PDFs with AI. Join 1 million+ people using PDF Chat for quick answers and insights.
solve problems in textStudents

Study for your tests, get homework help, and ace answering quiz questions easily

solve problems in textResearchers

Dive into Research papers, school articles, and books to find relevant info for your research

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Get insights from legal contracts, financial reports, guides, and training materials etc.

solve problems in textMulti-File Chats

Sort files into folders and talk to multiple PDFs at once

solve problems in textCited Sources

Answers show where they're from in the PDF. No more page scrolling.

solve problems in textAny Language

Use anywhere! PDF Chat reads and answers in all languages

solve problems in textDoc Summary

Quick smart summaries help you understand documents easily.

solve problems in textCompare Content

Easy links to sources help you compare the files and read better

solve problems in textSmart Q&A

Smart answers from documents help you understand better.

One PDF Chat for All your Needs

Merlin is your AI reading & research buddy - Simplifying PDFs through chat for easier understanding

AI Power

Available for all devices

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Frequently Asked Questions for PDF Chat

Does Merlin offer discounts?

Our Pro plans come with a 25% discount if you subscribe annually which equals to 3 months for free Merlin Pro.

Is PDFChat by Merlin free to use?

Yes, PDFChat has a free version you can try out with upto five PDFs. If you need more than that, we got paid plans too. You can start with Merlin Pro that starts at $19/month, and if you're looking for something for your team members you can try Team’s plan starting at $15/month/user.

Can I interact with multiple documents simultaneously?

PDFChat by Merlin supports various document types, including PDFs, DOCs, PPTs, and text files. You can also chat with multiple documents at once. In the free version, you can add up to 5 files, to get unlimited access you can try Merlin Pro starting at $19/month.

Can PDFChat by Merlin understand different languages?

Yes, PDFChat is super flexible with languages. You can summarise or chat with a PDF in one language and ask about it in any language - no problem. Merlin AI is pretty smart and just goes with the flow, matching whatever language you're using for your questions

How secure are my files with PDFChat by Merlin?

Merlin AI prioritizes user privacy and data security. In case you want to delete any of the document or file uploaded by you, you can raise the concern with our team and the data will be deleted within 7 days.

Can PDFChat by Merlin see all pages in a document or can read lengthy PDFs?

Yes, PDFChat by Merlin can easily comprehend the content of uploaded files. It can handle various document types, with no limitations on document size or complexity which makes it highly capable to process all pages of lengthy PDFs.

Can PDFChat by Merlin understand images and tables?

PDFChat can not yet read images in the PDF, including images that consist of scanned text. Only text in the PDF is taken as context by PDFChat.

What is the cancellation policy for PDFChat by Merlin?

You can cancel your Merlin Pro subscription at any time. If you cancel, you will still have access to your Merlin Pro plan until the end of the your billing period.

Where can I submit feature requests or report bugs for PDFChat by Merlin?

Your feedback matters the most to us. You can submit your feature requests or bugs or feedback here at https://feedback.getmerlin.in/